Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.

Special Needs Consulting and Training



Interactive, special needs workshops for professionals and family members


These sessions are held at your school, agency or organization for a fee.

Please contact me so we can discuss possible dates, times, topics and fee.


Advocacy: They have it. You want it. Now what?

This workshop will share strategies to help you say what you need to say, and do what you need to do in order to find, apply for and obtain what is needed for your family member with a disability and for your whole family as well.  Become the best advocate possible!


Great Evaluation!  So Now What?

Families often instinctively know what is going on in the pit of their stomachs even before the evaluation. This doesn’t make the “label” any less devastating. An evaluation is useless unless it brings support services and intervention. Let’s explore what to do when you disagree with an evaluation or agree with it.  How do we use the evaluation to move forward and get everything you need for your child?


Needs, Wants Wishes and Dreams

Life can be difficult when caring for a child with a disability.  This session will present all the support services that can bring relief.


The Stress of Caring for a Child with a Disability

We will share strategies for stress reduction.


Communicating with Parents

Learn about and share positive communication techniques as well as strategies of overcoming barriers to effective communication with parents.


Communicating with Professionals

Learn and share positive communication techniques with all the professionals in your life.


Communicating with Birth Parents and Case Planners (Foster Care)

This workshop is for Foster Parents who need to enhance their communication skills when interacting with birth parents and the support professionals in their lives.



We All Belong

An overview of why the inclusion of children with disabilities into mainstream programs benefits all, when done with support, caring, kindness and compassion.


Transition to Adult Services

Explore the various options when transitioning to the world of adult services.


Children with Developmental Disabilities

Learn about: Developmental Milestones as well as supporting those children with developmental disabilities.


Benefits and Entitlements

We will explore governmental and non-governmental support services, benefits and entitlements.


Stares, Glares and Hurtful Words

When your child is perceived to look or behave in a way that brings on unwanted attention from others, it can be uncomfortable.  Let’s share strategies to educate, sensitize and react to these experiences.


Caring for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Let’s explore the joys and difficulties of caring for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.